Friday, June 29, 2007

New Skirt!!!!!!!!!

So yeah, I did get a degree in fashion design-and I have a job-but what about my own designs? Well I figured a good way to start would be to use the resources of the patterns I already have. They were developed over the course of roughly 24 weeks- and I should really maximize their potential right? right–so I recently gave my friend version #1 of this skirt, and then, using fabric I had bought after receiving my 3rd paycheck–I created this new skirt! Plus, I feel the momentum to continue forward--afterall at Vogue-buying remnant fabric is a wonderful lottery--you never know what you're going to find--and it's always 1/2 off the original per yard price. So one-of-a-kind Muk Designs of a different sort are emerging from the home studio-perhaps-I'll build up an inventory for SALE--in the near future-put in your orders now because you never know where whimsy, and distraction will lead me next.....


Dana Lawrence Gillis said...

it's adorable! i love it! looks good on your cute li'l booty too.

sarah b. said...

Sara, I love it! What a cute little modern bustle!