Sunday, May 27, 2007

Piece by Piece Book and Quilt Squares

I'm at it agin. Q and H and Jorps and I are participating in a self-imposed art-swap. I got a bunch of stuff in a bag and I've begun work on the task of using them in any way I choose to make art. So I have decided to make a Log Cabin Quilt (major long time comin'). I am incorporating some of the found objects into the quilt: feathers, a felt 2006 calendar, run-over Superman glasses, and a trashed little girl's Gap purse...but the main excercise for me, the inspiration and achievement is the piecing, and assembling and eventual quilting of an "art quilt", an art-for-art's sake inspired textile project that pieces together fragments of this world into a fabric of color and expression, including proof of how even trash can be used effectively to make a visually stimulating assemblage.

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