Sunday, October 16, 2011

The fancy sweater MUK continuous scarf for 2011/2012

I've been making winter scarves out of recycled fancy (wool/cashmere/blends) sweater parts for awhile, however, this season I decided to try something new: the continuos loop or shawl styling. It gives a clean appearance with no fringes or lose ends; your scarf won't be unbalanced, and, it's easy to get on and off. There is no back or front--only an endless variety of ways to wear...always fresh, always warm and cozy. I line the wooly parts with a jersey rib knit so it feels cool and smooth on the wearers's skin--but warms up quickly due to such high quality wools in the piecing. MORE TO COME, get in touch if you'd like to own one today!

It feels great to be at the helm of my MUK empire once again; giving time and energy to my work is extremely rewarding. These goods are imbued with positivity, artisanal quality, and total one-off guarantees!

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