Wednesday, March 21, 2007

maid in the mist

so I bought this book for a dollar at the Library called S-T-R-E-T-C-H and Sew-sewing for knit fabric published in the late 60's/early 70's it has great illustrations and teaches the reader how to sew on their home sewing machine-knits! which at the time were just beginning to be made. This book is totally out of date and requires that the reader also own the patterns being referred to in the book as well as all kinds of products created by the Author, Ann Person, because at the time what she was doing was totally revolutionary. So guess where you can find the patterns that correlate with the projects in the book? Thats right, all over the friggin' internet--everywhere as if they weren't out of print and easily 30 years old! OLDER. Older than me. This book, this idea, these patterns are all older than me (and most of you)--and perhaps that is why they are so intriguing. I feel like an Archeologist uncovering a lost artifact and even though just a few weeks ago I forgot what an Archeologist was ('nother story, pretty short--The word came up in conversation and at the time-it just didn't register as something familiar what can I say?) Anyway now, today I am an archeologist, a sewing-scout if you will ready to take on the past-and reenact it right here in my own home...

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